I Dragon, the pure Life force of Gaia
What is the block?
It is the block of the Leys, the Dragon Lines,
blocked for Eons by the dark control of religion. His-story
Now Dragon is setting free, in Her-story
dancing awareness with women blood
Where have all the birds gone? the ants?
Shifting reality ?
We have our Bodies of Fire- We are Bodies of Fire
Boddis a ttva - Bodies of fire Get it ?
We are creating now
Her story
with Dragon, Blood, Memory, Bone and Stone
Light Bodies.
We shall adapt to change
Shifting Shape
Shifting of all - perception - beliefs
We are Chameleons
We have been creating our Light Bodies with our Dreams, our Prayers, our Gratitude and Compassion
Impervious to all of His story creations.
With Dragon Blood, Memory Stone and Bone
We are Dragon, Spirit of Earth Mother
Pure feminine force.
There shall be no more slayers
They tried
His story tried to ride us, control, slay, slave take our voice
and mould us into steel steeple cogs
We are Cognisant!
and nevermore to
We are the Earth, Air,
in the Water and Blood
We are the Earths Wise Women
Guardian of the Deep
Guardian of the Womb
Earth Mother Spirit Body
We have been used against ourselves
No more!
His -story is crumbling to Ashes
and we sing and weave our Dragon blood
reclaiming and creating a story of healing,
healing of all
We are the Ancestors that created the New World of Peace.
This weeks Writing from the Womb Live class.
"His story tried to ride us....
and mould us into steel steeple cogs...
We are Cognisant!"
Amazing and whimsical.
Thank you Hazel.