Mother’s Day
Womb Arts Retreat
May 7th - May 9th, 2021
In this online retreat, we will take time to nurture ourselves through a variety of Womb Arts, including Womb Centered Meditation, Visionary Moon Belt Stitching, Womb Song, Womb Steaming, Womb Dance Yoga, Womb Dance, Writing from the Womb, and more.
This retreat is a fundraiser to support Black and Indigenous Maternal Health. Black and Indigenous mothers are 3 times more likely to die in childbirth in the United states. It is essential for us to take action to dismantle the systemic racism that is offering substandard medical care to these mothers. The most direct way to do this is to support Black and Indigenous care providers with the often prohibitive costs of training. Donations for the workshops in this retreat will either go directly to the Black and Indigenous Womb Wellness practitioners offering the workshops to support their work, or they will go to Black Midwives and Vaginal Steam Facilitators in training.
Please find a list of workshops included in the retreat below and sign up for all that interest you.
Free of Charge for Black and Indigenous Participants
If you are a Black and/or Indigenous person and would like to attend any of these workshops to directly benefit your womb wellness, please email Sama here: samananda108@gmail.com or ask the facilitator you learned about this event from for a promo code.
​Workshop Schedule
Friday, May 7th, 9am Pacific Time
The Womb as the Chalice of Self Love: A Meditation
with DaniElle Ashe
Grounding, releasing, and receiving
The Womb as a Chalice of Self-Love
Full and overflowing
A guided alchemical womb activation
Danielle Ashé is Multidimensional High Priestess in devoted service to God and the (r)EVOLution of consciousness.
She currently lives in Mexico with her dog and partner. They facilitate private plant medicine ceremonies and offer shamanic mentorship and guidance.

Friday, May 7th, 10am Pacific time
Visionary Moon Belt Stitching
Erika Maizi
In this workshop we will gather to stitch visionary symbols into a belt and/or underwear to wear to celebrate our sacred menstrual cycles. We will be guided by Erika Maizi, a sacred stitching artist trained by Siberian, Ukrainian and Kazakh Embroidery practitioners and currently in a one year training with a Siberian Shaman that she is connected with through her ancestral heritage. All donations for this event will go towards supporting Black Midwives in training.
Participants are invited to bring a fabric belt and/or a pair of underwear, pencil, paper, needle, and embroidery thread to the online zoom calls. We will discuss menstrual celebration and initiation traditions, share a guided meditation to connect with sacred symbols that are meaningful for each individual participant, and receive guidance and support to stitch the symbols onto our belts/underwear.
Friday, May 7th, 2-3:30 Pacific Time
​Sama Morningstar
Discover the voice of the womb
Sing your unique womb song
Let your beauty wisdom be heard
May this voice of inner truth become the center of our lives once more
In this workshop, Sama will guide participants through breath and movement to connect with the voice of the womb and give it expression, liberating your voice from restrictive societal rules and belief systems that teach us it is not ok to express strong feelings vocally. Freeing our voices is one of the most revolutionary womb arts. As we reclaim our Wombsong, we find we can no longer remain silent in the face of injustice and abuse. We speak up about our personal boundaries as well as changes we long to see in the human collective.
May our collective womb song vibrate and rumble
Crumbling the foundations of injustice
Singing new structures of harmonious partnership with life
Into glorious being
In preparation, you are invited to discuss your participation in this workshop with those you share space with (family members, housemates, neighbors) and let them know that you will be practicing vocal therapy during the time of the workshop. Let them know that you might be making a variety of sounds that they are not used to hearing from you and request that they support you in this practice by not disturbing you during the practice.

Sama founded the Womb Centered Healing Temple in 2018 as a collaborative space to support people of all genders to learn about the importance of our experiences in and of the womb, heal the wounds inflicted on all of us by the womb abuse perpetrated within gender based hierarchies in society, and reclaim the power of the traditions of womb reverence that predate these systems.
Out of her own personal journey healing from early childhood trauma founded in the domination model of relationship between men and women, she has emerged with a passionate devotion to remember, re-activate, and re-establish Womb Power as our center of personal power and inner guidance.
She has received potent soul purpose visions about the importance of returning to a partnership model of relating with each other and with all beings and diligently applies this model to all of her relationships. She loves to share her experience of how living in embodied Womb Wisdom creates an abundant fountain of vitality that can nourish our dreams of correcting the course of humanity away from self destruction towards harmonious communion and belonging in the ecology of life.
Friday, May 7th, 4-5:30pm Pacific Time
Womb Steaming Dance Ceremony
with Sama Morningstar
Earth gives us the herbs and calls us home rooted
Air lifts our spirits, inspires our dreams, carries our voice
Fire fuels change, transforms what’s heavy and hard into nourishment
Water helps us to flow freely, teaching us emotional wisdom
In this workshop we will explore the alchemy of all of these elements with a Womb Steaming Dance Ceremony.
To prepare, please take some time beforehand to fill out this Visionary Womb Steaming Assessment which will help you determine if steaming will be right for you during this ceremony

Antje is an artist, guide, and teacher whose goal is to support self-discovery in a creative way.
For a long time Antje suffered from blocked creativity, being unable to express herself freely. The only way out was to break through the blocks and start creating, no matter what. She had to connect with herself, find and reclaim her creative center, and recover the joy of creating for it's own sake.
Now, she works mainly with the Neurographica® Method, which is a transformational drawing practice that allows us to access the wisdom of our own subconscious, activates new neural pathways, and opens opportunities for inner change. As a Womb-centered Healing practitioner she focuses on the healing power of creative energy.
Learn more about Antje and her work: http://neuroartproject.net
Saturday May 8th, 10 am Pacific time
Mother Mandala Drawing Workshop
​with Antje
Mother Mandala - Meditative Drawing Process
In this process we will explore the Archetype of the Mother with the help of abstract drawing, and reflect on how we can mother and nurture ourselves. No matter what your relationship is with your biological mother, you carry the energy of the great and eternal mother of all things inside yourself, and you can tap into this beautiful force. We will harmonize the mother-energy with the help of a circular layered Mandala, coming into a meditative state and letting your inner wisdom guide you to a more loving and healing relationship with your inner as well as your outer mother.
What you will need: a piece of letter sized paper, pens, and preferably colored pencils, or alternatively colored markers.
About the Drawing practice: We will work with the Neurographica® Method, a meditative and transformative drawing technique which can enable us to access and express deep insights from the subconscious. During the drawing process, we link our conscious and subconscious mind and reveal our inner intuitive wisdom. You will be able to communicate with the hidden part of yourself, receive important insights and associative messages from your higher or deeper self through shapes and colors. You will be guided through this creative process step by step. The practice is designed to be easy and accessible for anyone. No prior experience with drawing or art are necessary.
Saturday May 8, 11am Pacific time
Womb Dance Yoga
with Sama Morningstar
In this workshop we will breath, move, and sound our whole being towards greater vitality, centering into the womb space, activating our life regenerative power. You will be encouraged to listen to your body/womb wisdom to guide you through the practice, inviting you into a deep listening and returning home to yourself.
Sama Morningstar, will be leading this workshop.

Saturday May 8, 1:30 pm Pacific time
Yoni Flower Art - Meditation and Paint Work
with Practitioner Michelle
Come experience and explore the beauty of your Yoni, Womb and Divine Feminine energy through guided meditation and paint mediums.
Required Materials: Canvas, Handheld mirror, Paint pallette (your choice of medium, acrylics will be easiest for beginners.) Quiet and private space for viewing your Yoni.
Practitioner Michelle grew up with a gift of healing. Spending summers in Tyler learning granny medicines and traveling with her military family, she became accustomed to exploring different cultures. This exploration opened her up to being receptive to many traditional healing practices. After being diagnosed with PTSD from sexual assault trauma, Practitioner reinvigorated her healing journey. Practicing Transcendental Meditation and using healing herbs brought her peace and reawakened the healer within. Practitioner Michelle transitioned to a Plant Based life and began formally training in various healing methods. After discovering a fibroid years later, the connection between mind, body and heart truly clicked for her. She went deeper into her journey to heal herself but to also share her journey with others. Soulfully Healthy Living was born. Practitioner Michelle has studied with Queen Afua (Founder of Sacred Woman), and Yirser Ra Hotep,

Zelphira has always embraced the wild side in her; born and raised in Egypt, lover of all things ecstatic movement, trance dance and other means of releasing, rejoicing, reconnecting and celebrating body, mind and spirit. Traveler, feminine healing arts student and practitioner and a devoted student of consciousness raising and group healing,
She considers herself a lover of energetic and frequencies work. She built bridges between the physical, mental and spiritual bodies through the vibration of sound, movement, breathing, and guided journeys.
Zelphira has been holding space for transformation through Shamanic Ecstatic Dance since 2015.
She fell in love with the intuitive practices of Shamanic and Ecstatic Dance 6 years ago. The ecstatic practices she shares are all to invoke our inner healer, our inner shaman, through the use of intuitive movement, deeper understanding of our emotional body , breath, and sound. To connect with Zelphira : https://www.facebook.com/Zelphira/
Saturday May 8th, 3pm Pacific time
Elemental Womb Dance/Writing from the Womb
with Zelphira and Sama
This workshop is a co-creation offering from Zelphira Noha and Sama Morningstar.
Zelphira will guide the Elemental Womb Dance portion and Sama will guide the Writing from the Womb portion.
Have you ever felt that you are at a cross road where important decisions need to be made and you wished you had more guidance?
Do you feel that you need to create a more sustainable way of living , with more abundance and passion but you don’t know where to begin?
This is exactly how I feel at the moment, I feel it’s time for us to slow down , to connect to our guidance and to find a way to allow our abundant self to emerge
We are creating this journey so we come together and allow our womb wisdom to guide us to our financial freedom and greater sustainability.
Reconnecting with our bodies and our creative center the womb
In this workshop we start out with an ecstatic dance embodiment practice with authentic movement and expression. Experience it and go on your own embodiment journey with music
that resonates with every aspect of the different elements Air, Water, Fire, Earth and Ether, giving you a chance to listen to your inner guidance with your highest intentions and all the sacred Elements that co-create a greater Whole.
This dance is a completely improvised dance & it will always be different . There are no rules. JUST TO HAVE FUN and connect to yourself
Then we will guided by Sama to write.
There is a voice inside of us that knows the wisdom of all of our ancestors, of every cell in our body. This voice flows to the rhythm of primal creative life force and speaks, sings, dances in service to the well being and vitality of all. This voice connects us to our own unique divine self, our soul purpose, and guides us through practical steps of transformation. This voice shows us the biological map through the treasures of our mystical awareness. This is the voice of the womb.
After dancing with Zelphira, we will activate this voice and let it flow out through writing. We will then have the opportunity to share what we have written to be witnessed and received by all present. Together we will offer the reverential space this voice so richly deserves.
Sunday, May 9th, 9 am Pacific Time
Womb Poetry
with Adrienne
The intention of this journey is to add our individual brilliance to a collective poem about womb vibrancy and equitable sovereignty.
Adrienne will guide the session beginning with a short movement session followed by a group poetry creation time. where each participant will contribute a line of the collective womb poem in the chat of our zoom meeting.
We will then each say our lines out loud for each other. We will then finish with another guided movement session, moving to the words of our collective poem freshly created.
Adrienne will then compile the poetry lines into a word document to be shared on Sama's blog / facebook group / podcast and Adrienne's blog and podcast. You can choose to share your name or keep it anonymous.
Come join us to add your individual contribution to collective womb healing! Black maternal health matters. May this offering support this healing.
As a spiritual life coach, Adrienne (she/her) helps therapists, healers, and leaders who have made all the “right moves” in the old paradigm yet still find themselves feeling lost, confused, or disconnected from their inner voice and true soul’s calling, uncover the process of aligning with self-love, worth, forgiveness, compassion, courage, authenticity, intuition and equitable sovereignty that results in deep transformation, connection with inner freedom, soul satisfaction, playfulness, flow and confidence with taking the action steps that nurture the new paradigm.
Through rooting herself in her own witchy cultural lineages, using spiritual ritual and dreamwork to tend and alchemize ancestor wounds as well as experiencing birth both via cesarean section that resulted in a deep post-partum depression and then vaginally by learning to release control and find inner worth regardless of external circumstance, Adrienne knows the power of heart-centered ancestor healing, self-forgiveness and embodied womb wisdom.
She also has the lived experience of being in an inter-racial and inter-sexual orientation marriage as a queer cis white woman and has learned how to embrace the in between space she inhabits and hold this paradox with power and pride. She holds a master’s in occupational therapy, has published qualitative research on the healing properties of writing for mental health, has knowledge bases in neuroscience, craniosacral therapy, advanced pranic healing and pranic psychotherapy, trainings in racial justice, equity and cultural competency, yoga, meditation and living artistic practices of dance and poetry-writing.
Adrienne offers a multi-dimensional, multifaceted approach to help you move through your disconnection to transform your life, align your path, and create your slice of the paradigm shift.
She lives on unceded Anishinaabe / Lakota / Dakota land in Minneapolis MN.
Sunday May 9th, 10 am Pacific time
Bellydance for Womb Wellness
Oshun Womb Wellness
In this workshop we will celebrate and honor our bodies through sacred belly dance movement. Belly dance is an ancient feminine dance grounded in women celebrating the birth of a child and celebration of each other. In this workshop we will learn foundational belly dance movements and a fun choreography all in honor of The Mother Womb.
Oshun is a certified Holistic Health Practitioner, Herbalist, Certified Womb Wellness Practitioner, Certified Yoni Steam Practitioner, Menstrual Cycle Coach and Womb Priestess. She is the founder of Divine Feminine Wellness Institute, a company dedicated to helping women learn how to holistically heal problems with menstruality and womb health. She is also a belly dance instructor and performer with over 13 years of experience in performing belly dance, leading belly dance classes and workshops they help women celebrate the wisdom of their body and their wombs.

Sunday May 9th, 11am Pacific Time:
Writing from the Womb
with Sama Morningstar
There is a voice inside of us that knows the wisdom of all of our ancestors, of every cell in our body. This voice flows to the rhythm of primal creative life force and speaks, sings, dances in service to the well being and vitality of all. This voice connects us to our own unique divine self, our soul purpose, and guides us through practical steps of transformation. This voice shows us the biological map through the treasures of our mystical awareness. This is the voice of the womb.
In this workshop, we will activate this voice through a guided meditation and let it flow out through writing. We will then have the opportunity to share what we have written to be witnessed and received by all present. Together we will offer the reverential space this voice so richly deserves.

Sunday May 9th, 1pm Pacific Time:
Ancestral Arts Writing Workshop
with Sama Morningstar
Every cell in our body, and especially in our Womb Space, carries information from our ancestry. Wisdom, blessings, and healing await our discovery if we take the time to listen and connect. In this workshop we will connect with our Ancestral Mandala through a guided meditation in which we will meet our ancient Well of Womb ancestors who will support us to navigate our past 7 generations of ancestry, receiving the wisdom and blessings they have to offer us. They will also assist us in offering healing to those ancestors who are not well of spirit, freeing us from the burden of carrying their unresolved hurts forward in our lives. We will use the tool of Writing from the Womb to activate the wisdom and healing gifts of this Ancestral Mandala.
(This workshop is part of an Ancestral Arts Series so don’t be confused by the additional info on this sign up page. You can simply sign up for the workshop on the 9th. You are also welcome to sign up for other workshops in the series.)
May 9th, 3pm Pacific time
Red Veil Womb Dance
​Sean Ching Cheang
"What are you still passionate about in your life?"
Red Veil Womb Dance is considered an active meditation that empowers the vestibular and proprioceptive systems , that's how we are enabling the power of awareness and consciousness.
Red represents Womb , passion, hope , rebirth, creativity and sensuality, the main objectives is to ignite the inner fire and balance the inner water with synchronizity , to allow us to sense feeling deeper, engineering the innermost thought profoundly.
Let's celebrate awakening five senses, tuning our intuition and equilibrium;
Let's celebrate our precious femininity.
What you need to prepare:
Wear Red attire, if possible , hang a red scarf for Red Veil Womb Dance , you can prepare some nature giant leaf to dance with you.
Prepare some warm tea, for grounding basis before and after the Acupressure Emotional Energy Alignment Healing.
Once the "Qi" (vitality energy) is arising, plus vocalization practice and connect your breath work with the physical movement like a mandala form, so WATER is needed.
To dance with the Red Veil is to embody the SELF, how she inspires her tribes to ignite the fire in their burning desire persistently.
Incorporating the five elements with womb wellness, the objectives is to awaken the five senses (faculty), retune the intuition and equilibrium (inner engineering, mindset), allowing women to be their own Creators , power up their innermost thought with their impulse of thought, to live, love and glow to the fullest.

Sean Ching Cheang is a certified Hatha and Yin Yoga Instructor, who has also been a Tantra practitioner and Womb Artist. As a Tantrika , her belief is how to strengthen and improve confidence with clarity on the divine path.
Her life story and destiny have led her into a new chapter in her life, from (destruction) TRANSFORMATION, PRESERVATION to CREATION.
Her strong core belief is that the Red Veil Womb Dance is a birth in her Feminine Mastery Series, to be a CREATOR, wild , raw , authentic, sensual and resilient.
She is a lover, Mother , womb wellness therapist, and she is a woman who knows her direction.