Welcome to the Womb Centered Healing Herbals Store!
Feel free to browse and contact me if you have any questions.
All prices listed include shipping in the Continental US. When you place your order, please enter your shipping address in the form below.
I have just a few rules about making herbal preparations:
It must taste good
It must smell good
It must feel good
If my preparations meet these three standards, then they must be good. I feel our senses are our strongest allies in our health. Pleasure leads us to good health.
A note on taste: There are five main flavors, salty, sweet, sour, spicy, and bitter. Some cultures include spicy and bitter in their standard diet and others do not. If you were raised in a culture that does not include these flavors, it may take time to acquire the taste for them, especially bitter. As I have learned of the importance of these flavors, especially bitter, for our health and wellbeing, I have learned to enjoy spicy and bitter tasting teas. Coffee and Chocolate are two examples of widely enjoyed foods with bitter flavor. Adjusting the strength of the tea and adding honey to a tea that is bitter can help to build the acquired taste for this flavor.
A note on pleasure: I must make a distinction between blind pleasure, when we ignore negative effects of certain pleasures that are letting us know that they are actually not all that healthy for us, and full feeling pleasure, where we are awake to all of the effects of something and are fully pleased.
If you would like to learn how to make your own Womb Centered Healing Herbals, please inquire about the Womb Centered Healing Herbal Apprenticeship Program in the contact form to the left.

Flower Essences
Custom 1 oz Flower Essence Bottle: $22

Flower Essence Oracle Card Deck: $36

Flower Essence Kit: $108
25 half ounce bottles of individual essences
5 bottles with Glycerine Menstrum to make your own blends
Deck of 25 Flower Essence Oracle Cards
Carrying case: Please indicate your choice of colors from the options below in the form below

Face Renewal Kit
All organic, edible, toxin-free face nourishment to bring your inner beauty to the surface through high quality self-love and pleasure practice. Included in the kit:
Cucumber Calendula, Citrus Cleansing Tea (4 tea bags)
Apple Spice Exfoliation Mask
Face Food Tea (4 tea bags)
Raw Cacao Honey Vanilla Hydrating Anti-oxidant Mask
New Day Face Syrum
Regular price: $81

Click below to download the ingredients and instructions for the Face Renewal Kit:
Vital Energy Renewal Kit
Includes the following items:
Vital Energy Renewal Body Butter 2.2 oz
Vital Energy Renewal Body Scrub 1 pint
Vital Energy Renewal Tea
8 oz loose leaf

Herbal Detox Kit
Radiation Detox Loose Leaf Tea 3 oz
Plastics Detox Loose Leaf Tea 3 oz
Chlorine/Flouride Detox Tea 3 oz
Cleaning Solvents Detox Tea 3 oz
Pesticides/Herbicides/Fungicides Detox Tea 3 oz
Detox Support Body Butter 2.2 oz
Detox Support Body Scrub 1 pint

Custom Made Body Butters $16/oz
Custom Made Tea Blends, Vaginal Steam blends, or any individual teas from the kits on this page: $26/8 oz package of loose leaf tea
These include a 30 minute consultation to choose ingredients to suite your health needs. All ingredients are organic and/or wildcrafted. The Body Butters are in a base of Organic Shea Butter and Coconut Oil.